Welcome to the Generation Three Girls blog. A community blog space that covers health/fitness, spirituality, advocacy, politics, and much more! Interested in writing for us? Reach out at generationthreegirls@gmail.com

Life, Generation Three Girls, Fitness Mallory McPherson-Wehan Life, Generation Three Girls, Fitness Mallory McPherson-Wehan

3 Reasons to Create Habits, Not Goals in 2021

On this week’s episode of F*ck Wellness called “F*ck New Year’s Resolutions,” the GTG team talked about how we are throwing out resolutions and goals in favor of habits and intentions in 2021. New Year’s resolutions, a preferred sales tool of the wellness industry, have become synonymous with diets, workout plans, restriction, and control. The problem is that the research is pretty clear that resolutions are not effective. Most people drop them within days or weeks. So how can we meet our new intentions without goals, you may ask? The answer is habit-setting.

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